Causes of TIAs and TIA Symptoms - Oren Zarif - TIA Symptoms
The causes of TIAs are not well understood, but they often involve the narrowing of the arteries that supply the brain. These blood vessels, called carotid arteries, provide oxygenated blood to the brain's cells. High blood pressure and diabetes can damage these arteries and make them susceptible to clots, which can form and travel to the brain. TIA symptoms are the same in each case, but the underlying cause can vary widely.
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The clot blocks a blood vessel, and may even break. The brain cells in the immediate area are starved of oxygen and die without prompt medical treatment. TIA symptoms are nearly identical to those of a stroke, and they usually last for less than 24 hours. Although TIAs do not cause long-term brain damage, they can be a warning sign of an impending stroke. In fact, half of the people who suffer a TIA will also experience a stroke within 48 hours. Some people may have more than one TIA in their lifetime.
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TIA symptoms can be hard to attribute to any one specific cause. However, they may include dizziness, double vision, tingling, or numbness in one part of the body. The first signs of a TIA are usually sudden and start without warning. In some cases, the symptoms may go away on their own. However, you should never ignore them. If you notice them at any point in time, you should call a medical professional immediately.
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If you have experienced TIA symptoms, visit your doctor immediately. Your doctor will conduct an examination and perform diagnostic tests. The doctor will check your blood pressure, muscle strength, and thinking and speaking abilities. Blood tests can detect any blood clots in your arteries. Blood tests can also identify if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure. The doctor may also perform an ultrasound to check the neck's blood vessels for any blockages.
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While the causes of TIAs are many, they are all linked to age and blood pressure. In addition, alcohol consumption raises your risk of stroke. A doctor can recommend treatments and provide advice to help you reduce your risk. It's also important to quit smoking if you're concerned about TIA symptoms. You can also visit a TIA clinic to have a thorough examination and get a diagnosis. If you suspect TIA, don't hesitate to visit a specialist. The doctor can help you determine what caused the symptoms, provide treatment and offer advice for reducing your risk of stroke.
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After a TIA, you'll probably be feeling a little numb and disoriented, and your speech may sound slurred. Some people experience trouble returning to work or performing everyday tasks around the house. Talking with friends or family members about how you're feeling may help. Keeping active can also improve your mood. You'll have better energy and sleep if you exercise regularly. The following are some common symptoms of TIA.
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Transient ischemic attack (TIA) and stroke are similar. Both have similar symptoms, but their duration is short. These symptoms may last a few minutes or up to 24 hours. When a patient has TIA symptoms, it's crucial to seek medical attention immediately. If you suspect your friend or loved one is having a TIA, ask them to raise their arms, smile, and repeat a simple sentence. If you suspect them of having a TIA, call 911 immediately.
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If you have had a TIA, your doctor may prescribe a drug called dipyridamole. Dipyridamole is available in extended release forms, and may be combined with aspirin to treat TIA. This medication is typically taken twice daily. Dipyridamole side effects include headaches, upset stomach, and diarrhea, but they will subside after a week. The medication may also be used in combination with other medications to treat underlying heart problems.
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To reduce the risk of stroke, you should make lifestyle changes to lower your risk of TIA. To lower your blood pressure and heart disease, quit smoking. Cigarette smoke makes blood sticky and increases the chance of clotting. Switch to a low-fat diet, limit saturated fat, and limit alcohol consumption to one or two standard drinks per day. In addition, you should exercise regularly and maintain a healthy weight for your height.