Causes of Stroke and Symptoms of Stroke - Oren Zarif - Causes of Stroke
A number of things can lead to a stroke, including blood clots. Atherosclerotic plaque, which is made up of calcium and cholesterol deposits in the heart, can travel through the bloodstream and lodge in an artery in the brain. This blockage causes a stroke. The symptoms of stroke vary widely, depending on the type of clot. This article will discuss the common causes of stroke. But it's important to understand what causes these conditions and how you can prevent them.
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A sudden onset of a headache is a common sign of a stroke. While some people do experience pain, this is rare in the majority of cases. A physician can confirm a diagnosis of stroke by examining the patient, reviewing their medical history, and ordering blood work. MRI and CT scans of the brain are important imaging studies. The treatment for a stroke is generally supportive, but sometimes, surgical procedures will be needed. A surgeon may clip an aneurysm to relieve pressure on the brain.
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Other causes of stroke include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and smoking. Those with these conditions are more susceptible to strokes than others. People who have high blood pressure and diabetes also have higher risk. Genetic disorders are believed to play a role in some cases. Having poor dental health can increase your risk of stroke. A heart disease known as atrial fibrillation is also a risk factor. Managing your blood pressure and eating a healthy diet can help prevent strokes.
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A TIA is another type of stroke. These occur when a blood vessel becomes blocked. A blood clot can form in an artery from plaque pieces breaking off of it or a clot in the heart. Treatment for ischemic strokes is designed to break up the blockage. Meanwhile, a hemorrhagic stroke occurs when the wall of the blood vessel is weak or ruptured. The symptoms of TIA are often sudden and only affect one side of the body. Symptoms of TIA should raise eyebrows for people with risk factors such as age or heredity.
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If you suspect you or someone you know has a stroke, take them to the hospital immediately. They will perform a thorough physical examination. This includes blood pressure, pulse, heart, lung, and neurologic exams. A doctor may order lab tests to rule out other causes or confirm the diagnosis. Some tests can even distinguish between the types of stroke. So make sure to call 999 immediately. A doctor can help you determine what your best course of treatment is.
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A stroke occurs when a blood vessel supplying the brain becomes blocked or rupturing. Without enough blood, brain cells cannot receive enough oxygen or nutrients. Without adequate oxygen, the cells begin to die. There are many common causes of stroke, and most of them can be treated with medication. Some strokes are serious, though, and can lead to death or permanent disability. A doctor can also recommend an MRI to diagnose your specific case. If you suspect you have a stroke, call 9-1-1 immediately to get emergency treatment.
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A transient ischemic attack (TIA) is a symptom of a stroke that is short-lived. It is characterized by a lack of blood flow to an area of the brain. The symptoms last a few minutes and are often self-limited. If these symptoms last longer than 24 hours, you may have experienced a transient ischemic attack. You should be evaluated for this kind of stroke immediately, as it is very dangerous.
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Lifestyle is another cause of stroke. Smoking, hypertension, and diabetes are all risk factors that increase the risk of stroke. Some people take medication to control these conditions, and those with high blood pressure are at a higher risk. The biggest risk factor for stroke is high blood pressure. By maintaining healthy blood pressure levels, you can reduce your risk of stroke. And, of course, the most important factor - lowering your blood pressure - you will have a much lower chance of having another stroke.