Causes of Stroke and Symptoms of Stroke - Oren Zarif - Causes of Stroke
There are various different causes of stroke, and each is potentially life-threatening. Fortunately, there are treatment options. A clot-busting drug can bring the blood flow back to the brain within three to four and a half hours. To identify which type of stroke you may be suffering from, contact your doctor. There are other causes of stroke, too. Listed below are some of the most common ones. Learn more about these conditions.
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First, the affected person may be unable to speak or smile. They may also not have the ability to move both arms or smile. They may also be unable to speak, and may not be able to understand what you are saying. If you suspect someone of suffering from a stroke, call 999 immediately. There are no cures for the brain cells that have been damaged, but you can help them regain their functionality. Your first priority should be to make sure that the person is breathing. A person with a stroke may be unable to control blood pressure or heart rate, so it is important that you act quickly.
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Several risk factors can increase your chance of stroke. Age, sex, gender, smoking history, and cholesterol levels all contribute to your risk. Diabetes and high blood pressure are also known risk factors. Among these, high blood pressure is the highest risk factor for stroke. When the blood pressure is over 140/90, the risk increases dramatically. Stroke can cause severe disability or even death. If you have diabetes or high blood pressure, it is a good idea to get a diabetes checkup.
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Another major risk factor for stroke is atrial fibrillation. This condition is associated with an increased risk for an ischaemic stroke because of the inefficient pumping of the atria. When this happens, blood can accumulate in the atria and travel to the brain, causing a stroke. Symptoms of this condition can vary from person to person, but it is important to get proper care. This may prevent stroke.
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Symptoms of a stroke will vary greatly. The first symptoms of a stroke are usually sudden or transient. A doctor may decide to perform a CT scan to confirm the diagnosis and make treatment recommendations. A complete blood count will show the levels of red blood cells, platelets, and other blood cells, including calcium and magnesium. Blood tests may include a noncontrast CT scan to determine the extent of clotting in the blood.
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Hemorrhagic strokes are caused by bleeding in an artery that is too weak or congenital. Blood from a burst artery in the brain can damage nerve cells. Hemorrhagic strokes can also be caused by blood spilling from the artery. Infection and inflammation in the heart can also cause blood clots and abnormal heart rhythms. Infected brain tissue is susceptible to these conditions, so if you have any type of medical condition, it is essential to get immediate help.
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The most common cause of a stroke is a blocked blood vessel. When blood flow is reduced, the brain doesn't receive enough oxygen and nutrients. Without proper blood flow, brain cells will die. While many causes of a stroke are preventable, they can lead to permanent disability or even death. If you have a history of stroke, a doctor can help you make an informed decision. They will conduct a physical exam and review your medical history to rule out other causes of stroke.
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Other risk factors that increase your risk of a stroke include diabetes and high blood pressure. Both of these are preventable, but some cannot. People should consider all of the possible causes of a stroke and do what they can to reduce them. Keeping a healthy diet and doing plenty of exercise can reduce the risk of a stroke. Having a history of stroke also increases the chances of having another one. And, as you get older, the risk of a stroke increases.
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Whether it's a heart attack, a vascular condition, or a brain disorder, a doctor can prescribe a treatment plan. A stroke is often caused by an underlying problem, such as high blood pressure or cholesterol. In severe cases, a stroke can result in death. While doctors have made great strides in treating strokes, it is still a serious medical condition that requires prompt medical care. The treatment of a stroke varies from patient to patient.
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Among the causes of stroke, a blood clot can occur in any of the brain's arteries. These clots are caused by a buildup of cholesterol and fatty deposits, or plaque, on the inside of the heart. A stroke caused by a blood clot will not go away without medical treatment. A hemorrhagic stroke, on the other hand, results from a ruptured or broken blood vessel in the brain.