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Writer's pictureOren Zarif

Causes of Ischemic Stroke - Oren Zarif - Ischemic Stroke

If you are suffering from ischemic stroke, your doctor will probably run a few tests to determine the cause. One of these tests is an electrocardiogram (ECG). An ECG uses sound waves to examine the heart and aorta, which are the blood vessels that supply the brain with blood. If you think you may be suffering from an ischemic stroke, you should not be surprised to learn that coronary artery disease is a common cause of ischemic stroke.

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TPA, or tissue plasminogen activator, is a medication that can break up clots. It must be injected into the patient within 4 hours of the symptoms of ischemic stroke. Early tPA administration increases the chances of a positive outcome. Another treatment, mechanical thrombectomy, involves removing a clot with a catheter. Mechanical thrombectomy is usually performed within six hours of the onset of ischemic stroke symptoms.

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Patients with cerebellar infarction often present with a wide range of symptoms, including headache, dysarthria, and vertigo. The clinical course of an ischemic stroke depends on the location and duration of the symptoms. Early thrombolytic therapy is a key treatment for patients with CVA. It is important to treat these symptoms as soon as possible. This will reduce the risk of a thrombotic event or cardiac arrest.

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An artery blocked with a clot can also cause an ischemic stroke. Blood clots can develop anywhere in the body and travel to the brain. Often, a blood clot will form in another part of the body and travel to the brain. These blood clots are called embolus. As the blood supply to the brain is interrupted, the brain cells start to die, preventing them from receiving oxygen and nutrients.

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Ischemic stroke can be caused by several different causes, including irregular heartbeat, heart valve issues, and infection of the heart muscle. In addition, if the blood pressure in the arteries becomes low enough, blood clots can stick to them and travel to the brain. This can lead to a stroke and even coma. In the meantime, patients need to be monitored and given emergency treatment. Once the blood flow in the arteries is normal, the brain can receive oxygen.

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Rehabilitation is important to help people recover their motor skills, coordination, and other lost functions. In the first few months after an ischemic stroke, up to 50% of people who are hospitalized experience some recovery. Some of them can speak, walk, and even go home. However, if the problem persists after six months, the chances of recovery will be low. This is largely because the person is already vulnerable to another stroke. The best way to reduce the chances of a second stroke is to stop smoking.

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Treatment of ischemic stroke is largely based on restoring blood flow to the affected region. The goal is to restore blood flow to the ischemic area in order to save the dysfunctional tissue adjacent to the infarcted area. Several strategies have been employed to increase blood flow to the ischemic region. Nevertheless, the time between the onset of symptoms and the first treatment appears to be critical. The earliest the treatment is initiated, the less likely the patient is to experience a stroke.

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If the risk of having a stroke is high, medications such as anticoagulants may be prescribed. These drugs work by blocking the production of proteins that make the blood clot. Anticoagulants may be effective in patients suffering from atrial fibrillation, dissection of a blood vessel in the neck, and blood clot in the brain vein. Antiplatelet medications are generally considered acceptable for people who suffer from ischemic stroke.

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Warning signs of ischemic stroke include face drooping, difficulty speaking and understanding, and speech problems. If you notice any of these symptoms, you should contact your doctor immediately and seek medical treatment. Most ischemic strokes happen very quickly, and the brain tissue dies within minutes or hours. Afterwards, the person will stabilize and no longer show symptoms. A stroke lasting two to three days is considered a "completed" stroke. The most likely cause is sudden blockage caused by an embolus.

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Treatment for acute ischemic stroke is often urgent. Medications that can improve neurological outcomes and prevent recurrence are usually given. However, urgent anticoagulation is only beneficial in patients with a severe stroke or those with a high risk of intracranial bleeding. It is also not recommended for patients who have moderate-to-severe stroke or those who are at high risk of intracranial bleeding. Moreover, urgent anticoagulation should not be used more than 48 hours after the onset of neurological symptoms.

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