Causes of a Stroke in a Woman - Oren Zarif - Causes of a Stroke in a Woman
There are many causes of a stroke in a woman, but it's crucial to know what those factors are and how to prevent one from happening. These factors can be controlled, and you can talk to your doctor about these risks to keep your blood pressure within a healthy range. It's also important to know that a woman's risk factors are different than a man's. It's best to keep high blood pressure under control by managing other aspects of your life.
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Besides smoking, elevated blood pressure, and migraines, other factors contribute to the risk of having a stroke. High blood pressure is also a cause, and one in three women have it. Even more worrying, half of these women have high blood pressure, and only half of them have it under control. This type of high blood pressure can strain the blood vessels and cause a rupture. A woman's high blood pressure level is even higher when she is pregnant, and it's no surprise that pregnancy is a high risk factor for stroke. Hormonal medications are also a risk factor, especially those used during menopause. Hormonal replacement therapy increases the risk of strokes, as it can increase blood pressure and lead to more clots.
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If you notice any of these signs in a woman, act quickly to ensure her survival. If you notice facial changes, a drooping arm, and slurred speech, call 9-1-1 immediately. The earlier a stroke can be treated, the better the chances of recovery. If you do notice these symptoms in a woman, go to the hospital immediately and seek medical attention. If you suspect a woman is experiencing a stroke, call the ambulance immediately.
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Strokes run in families. Your relatives may have high blood pressure and diabetes, which are two causes of stroke in women. Some strokes may even be brought on by a genetic disorder that affects the blood flow to the brain. While women are slightly less likely to suffer from a stroke than men, the risk of having one doubles every decade after the age of 55. A woman is also more likely to have a stroke during her early adulthood, and if diagnosed in time, treatment will make all the difference in the outcome.
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Women have a significantly higher lifetime risk of developing a stroke than men. The risk is different among ethnic groups. For instance, black women are at higher risk than Hispanic women. Despite these differences, the major causes of stroke in women are similar to those in men. Only a few are unique to women, including pregnancy and preeclampsia. The frequency of these risk factors varies between sexes, and there are different population attributable risks.
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Other causes of a women's risk of having a stroke include high blood pressure, diabetes, and hypertension. These factors also increase the risk of a hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke. Smoking is another risk factor for women. And women who are obese are also at increased risk. In addition to high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes are some of the biggest factors for strokes.
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Women also have additional risk factors for stroke, including a family history of the disease and an increased risk of a previous stroke. For example, a family history of stroke is likely to be more severe than that of a woman. A woman's age, height, and body weight all increase her risk for stroke. Symptoms can range from confusion and trouble with thinking to incontinence. If you or someone you know is suffering from one of these risks, don't wait. Seek medical care immediately!
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A TIA is a warning sign that the brain is at risk. But symptoms can appear months or even days later. If you don't get medical help soon enough, you might suffer from an ischemic stroke. Strokes can be life-threatening, but doctors have made tremendous advances in the diagnosis and treatment of these conditions. So if a woman is experiencing one of these symptoms, she should seek immediate medical attention.
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A woman's risk for having a stroke is higher during pregnancy and in the first few weeks after delivery. That's why it's important to learn how to recognize the symptoms of a stroke as soon as possible. There's also a risk for a blood clot in the lungs, and this can result in a large amount of blood being lost. Ultimately, a woman's risk for a stroke is significantly higher than a man's.