Brain Damage After Traumatic Brain Injuries - Oren Zarif - Brain Damage
Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) can result in long-term effects. Recovery can take months, even years, and treatment for such injuries varies. Depending on the extent of brain damage, patients may be treated in an inpatient rehabilitation unit or residential treatment facility. Afterwards, rehabilitation can continue in an outpatient setting. Various interventions and tests are available, but most patients can return to their normal routines gradually. After brain injury, the primary focus of treatment is preventing further damage and restoring the patient's health.
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The severity of brain injury can vary from mild to severe. Mild traumatic brain injury symptoms can manifest the day of the accident or days or weeks later. They are usually temporary, but may persist for months or even years. Some people may experience memory problems, speech difficulties, and behavioral changes. If these symptoms last for a prolonged period, it's time to seek medical treatment. Moreover, patients with brain injuries should not delay in seeking medical care.
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The most common traumatic brain injury occurs during a fall or a car accident. The force and nature of the impact determine the amount of damage to the brain. In adults and children, falls are the most common causes of TBI. Vehicle-related collisions, violent assaults, and shaken baby syndrome can also cause traumatic brain injury. Although the U.S. Food and Drug Administration continues to study TBI and encourage the development of medical devices to minimize the symptoms of this type of injury.
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People with ABI often report changes in behavior, learning, and thinking. In addition to cognitive and physical changes, 25% will experience ongoing physical disability after severe ABI. This change in behavior and learning is often difficult to notice for others. Without an understanding of brain injury, these changes may appear as simple as laziness, difficulty with tasks, or difficulty with social situations. It's important to seek medical care if you suspect your loved one has an ABI.
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After an initial injury, secondary brain injuries may occur as a result of oxygen not reaching the brain. Oxygen deprivation may cause increased intracranial pressure and brain tissue swelling. Secondary brain injuries are classified according to the extent of the damage to the brain tissue. A person's loss of consciousness and the level of amnesia will give an estimate of how much damage is done. Further medical evaluations may include brain scans to determine the extent of the damage.
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Traumatic brain injury occurs when a person suffers a traumatic injury. The brain is a mass of soft tissue, approximately three to four pounds, floating in a fluid-filled cavity inside the skull. The three layers of membrane cover the brain. Because the brain is a soft tissue, traumatic injuries may cause damage to its cells and structures. This can result in widespread effects. In addition to brain damage, trauma may result in bruising or bleeding.
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Traumatic brain injuries can cause permanent damage to brain cells. The most common type is stroke, which strikes approximately one in six American adults over 65. Depending on the severity of the stroke, 80 to 90 percent of stroke survivors will need years of rehabilitation. Cognitive disabilities and speech impairments can result. Acute brain injury can also be the result of a severe illness. Aside from physical trauma, stroke can also result in brain injury. It is important to seek medical attention immediately after a traumatic brain injury.
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Traumatic brain injuries often result in mild to moderate cognitive and motor impairments. In severe cases, brain tissue must be retrieved from the patient for autopsy to confirm the diagnosis. There are no specific treatments for traumatic brain injuries, but proper diagnosis is essential for the recovery process. In the meantime, the treatment process may be slow and complicated by secondary effects such as brain swelling, low oxygen blood flow, and reduced oxygen levels. Even in mild cases, treatment may require several months.
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Diffuse axonal injury - A direct blow to the head causes bruises in a specific area of the brain. In coup injuries, the brain is injured directly underneath the impact area. Conversely, contrecoup injuries damage the opposite side of the skull. Another type of brain damage is diffuse axonal injury, which involves the stretching or shearing of nerve cells throughout the brain. These injuries disrupt normal transmission of information and cause significant changes in wakefulness.
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Intracranial pressure - High intracranial pressure is another form of traumatic brain injury. This pressure prevents blood from reaching brain tissue and can lead to further brain damage. Often, doctors will use drugs to put a person into a coma to improve their function. They may also use diuretics, which reduce the amount of fluid in the body, in the bloodstream. Another type of treatment for traumatic brain injury is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which uses powerful radio waves to create a detailed image of the brain.