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Brain Bleed - Oren Zarif - Brain Bleed

When there is a large bleed inside the brain, it's called an intracranial hemorrhage, or brain bleed. The diagnosis of a brain bleed involves evaluating the physical symptoms and conducting imaging tests to determine the exact location, extent, and cause of the bleed. Imaging tests include an electroencephalogram (EEG), chest X-ray, urinalysis, and blood studies. Other tests may include a spinal tap and conventional angiography.

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Treatment for brain bleeds depends on the location and size of the hematoma. Large subdural hematomas may require urgent surgery, which involves removing part of the skull. Other treatment options may include medications or rehabilitation. In any case, treatment for a brain bleed is critical. The sooner treatment is sought, the better. Surgical intervention or medication may be necessary to alleviate symptoms. Recovery depends on the size and location of the bleed and on the patient's overall health.

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Though all brain bleeds are serious and may lead to death, most patients can survive with proper medical care and treatment. Treatment will vary depending on the location of the bleed, the size of the hematoma, and how much tissue is affected. If treatment is initiated in time, patients can recover completely. Other complications include coma, impaired speech, or paralysis. If a brain bleed is severe, a physician will need to perform a CT or an MRI to determine the exact cause and location of the bleed.

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Although rare, a brain bleed can be dangerous for a newborn. A doctor should monitor a baby for 10 hours after birth to ensure that there are no complications during delivery. A head circumference will be taken and the baby will be closely monitored for signs of brain injury or swelling. Swelling of the scalp can also be a sign of two other conditions, such as caput succedaneum. However, this type of scalp swelling is not fatal.

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A person with high blood pressure is at risk of a brain bleed. The pressure inside the skull caused by the bleeding causes the brain to bleed faster. Depending on where the bleeding occurs, a person may suffer from either temporary or permanent brain damage. A brain bleed could also result from nursing home malpractice. Abuse of elderly residents can lead to internal bleeding. An artery in the brain can burst from high blood pressure and cause a brain bleed.

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A brain bleed, also called a brain hemorrhage, occurs when an artery ruptures, resulting in bleeding throughout the surrounding cranial tissues. According to the Brain Aneurysm Foundation, about 30,000 Americans suffer from a brain bleed every year. Brain bleeds can be the result of trauma, a stroke, or a blood vessel abnormality. If your bleeding is uncontrollable, medical attention is necessary to prevent further damage.

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Symptoms of a brain bleed may include severe headaches, blurred vision, or weakness on one side of the body. If a hematoma forms on the brain, it can cause seizures or other life-threatening conditions. In some cases, brain hemorrhage can occur as the result of a ruptured aneurysm. A doctor will be able to determine the exact cause of the bleeding and help you to recover.

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A blood clot forming in the brain can lead to a variety of symptoms, including problems with vision and speech. Ultimately, it can result in death. However, it can be treated. An imaging test will help your doctor determine whether the bleed is in the brain or in the surrounding tissue. You should also receive a CT scan if you suspect a brain bleed. A CT scan will determine the extent of any bleeding within the subarachnoid space.

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In most cases, blood flowing into the fluid-filled space around the brain causes an intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). The result is an accumulation of blood within the skull, causing increased pressure on the brain. Some cases can cause permanent brain damage, while others may recover. Regardless of the cause, a brain bleed can be devastating. A high blood pressure or ruptured aneurysm is a common triggering factor. However, other conditions, such as infections or trauma, can also trigger an ICH.

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