Anoxic Brain Injury - Oren Zarif - Anoxic Brain Injury
If you or a loved one has suffered from anoxic brain damage, you need immediate medical attention. There are several factors that contribute to anoxic brain injury. A lack of oxygen can cause significant damage to the brain, including heart arrhythmias. If the symptoms of anoxic brain injury persist for more than two hours, you should seek immediate medical attention. Your loved one may also be sleepy and fatigued. MRIs and computerized axial tomography (CAT) scans are the two most common tests to diagnose anoxic brain injury. The MRI uses x-rays to create detailed images of the brain.
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While cerebral anoxia may have delayed recovery, the effects of therapy are often substantial. In some patients, there may be significant improvement, but the outcome of rehabilitation depends on several factors, including the patient's age, extent of brain injury, and presence of comorbid conditions. The recovery process from anoxic brain injury is long and requires extensive rehabilitation. This is one of the most challenging forms of brain injury, but the recovery is possible.
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A mother or father who undergoes an anoxic brain injury during childbirth may suffer from a variety of symptoms, including depression, increased muscle tone, and mood swings. The effects of anoxic brain injury can also extend to a child's development. If the mother has experienced traumatic childbirth, she should be vigilant in monitoring the child for signs of anoxic brain injury. This may be a result of a lack of quality medical care during childbirth.
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The symptoms of an anoxic brain injury vary from person to person, but in most cases, the lack of oxygen results in death of brain cells within four minutes. This condition causes initial loss of consciousness, often leading to a comatose state. People may also display difficulty speaking, facial drooping, and confusion, among others. If anoxic brain injury causes death, contact your doctor immediately. The sooner you seek medical attention, the better the outcome.
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Various accidents and medical malpractice may result in anoxic brain injuries. Car accidents, for instance, can cause a person's brain to lose oxygen. Other medical malpractice cases include birth injuries and misdiagnoses. Moreover, hypoxia during childbirth can occur due to careless driving or complications in the administration of general anesthesia. This condition is also common in accidents where someone has to drive or has been choked, which causes low blood pressure.
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Patients who experience anoxic brain injury may display a range of symptoms, including lack of coordination, a wobbly gait, and difficulty with simple tasks. People with severe anoxic brain injury may also transition into a vegetative state. In this state, the brain loses its higher functions but still maintains life-sustaining functions. Sometimes, the symptoms of anoxic brain injury can be preceded by a coma. Patients with severe anoxic brain injuries may experience personality changes and hallucinations.
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If a person suffers an anoxic brain injury, it is essential to seek medical attention immediately. The brain requires oxygen to maintain its glucose metabolism. Once the supply of oxygen is cut off, consciousness is lost within fifteen seconds. After four minutes, damage begins. The longer the absence of oxygen continues, the more damage is done to the brain. If treatment does not begin immediately, the victim could develop seizures and die. These symptoms are common, but should not be dismissed as normal.
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A person may experience anoxic brain injury as a result of a stroke, carbon monoxide poisoning, choking, or severe bleeding. Hypoxia is often associated with environmental conditions or chronic illnesses, such as low oxygen saturation at high altitudes. Surgical errors can also lead to a lack of oxygen reaching the brain. During this time, the brain may not receive enough oxygen and is deprived of nutrients.