A CT Brain Scan Can Help Detect a Contusion Cerebral - Oren Zarif - Contusion Cerebral
A cerebral contusion is a type of brain bruising that occurs when the cortex of the brain is struck by an object or bone. The brain is protected by the dura mater, a tough membrane that surrounds the spinal cord and brain. A contusion of this type can affect any part of the brain, including the frontal lobes. In most cases, subarachnoid bleeding occurs as well. A cerebral edema develops around a contusion within 48 to 72 hours. A CT brain scan can help detect a contusion, as well as other conditions that may be associated with this condition.
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In one study, brain perfusion SPECT was used to diagnose and characterize focal and regional cerebral perfusion defects. Twenty-five percent of patients showed focal perfusion deficits, and seven patients presented with diffuse hypoperfusion of the frontal lobes. All patients were hospitalized within 24 hours of the initial trauma. The time taken to conduct brain SPECT scanning was positively related to the severity of the patients' perfusion deficits.
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A contusion cerebral typically occurs in the frontal lobe or temporal lobe, but it can occur anywhere in the brain. The most common sites of a contusion are the frontal and temporal lobes. Hemorrhagic contusions are most common and usually involve the temporal and anterior frontal lobes. Reactive gliosis is also possible. Acute brain contusion may lead to a deterioration of mental function and, in severe cases, to brain herniation.
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When a concussion is a result of a blow to the head, the brain may swell and become enlarged. The swelling of the brain may increase intracranial pressure. Surgery may be required to reduce this pressure. In severe cases, surgical resection of the contused area may be required. This procedure is particularly risky because the head is so close to the brainstem. The patient may need intensive care for days or weeks.
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A CT scan of the head can help diagnose a cerebral contusion associated with a TBI. It shows dark areas on a CT scan, indicating decreased perfusion of the contused brain. The patient may be unconscious or have a concussion, although this is rarely fatal. Nevertheless, it is important to identify any complication before attempting early surgery. There are several important diagnostic tests for a cerebral contusion.
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A CT scan is the first step in the diagnosis of a concussion. The next step is the management of intracranial pressure. Treatment is based on the patient's ICP and cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP). Typically, the goal of treatment is to keep the ICP under 20 mm Hg. Patients with an elevated CPP are treated with sedation, hypertonic saline, or a combination of these.
In addition to imaging, physicians may choose to perform brain magnetic resonance imaging.
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While it is not a requirement for acute management of TBI, it can help identify ischemic areas in the brain and detect changes caused by diffuse axonal injury. It may also be beneficial in the diagnosis of certain cognitive symptoms. During the initial visit to the hospital, airway, circulation, and ventilation are evaluated. If these parameters are compromised, intubation may be required.
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A hemorrhagic contusion overlies the brain parenchyma and is the most serious secondary form of TBI. It can also affect the patient's ability to function. Hemorrhagic blood is toxic for healthy brain tissue. It can cause a wide range of symptoms and is the most serious type of cerebral injury. While the cause of these injuries is not clear, some researchers have speculated that continuous flow of injured microvessels during the initial traumatic episode is responsible.
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This type of brain injury affects the frontal lobes the most, accounting for about 50% of the brain's volume. However, it is equally common to occur in the occipital lobes. Because it lies on the border of three major cerebral arteries, the occipito-parietal border is particularly susceptible to cerebral ischaemia. A fractured skull can also result in a large focal cerebral perfusion deficit.